so this first one i call it 'people' for the simpleness of the people. i found this canvas that i painted a while ago that got messed up and i left it alone. i decided that i should try to do something with it. so i went and found real people and put them on this canvas. i think the thing that actually saved this picture is the leaves that i put on it.
so this one was kind of my "oh i can be an artsy MoMa artist" and i was just making whatever. after i was done i realized that i kinda like it. i figured with the right lighting in some fancy museum, people would think it is deep. can't really see the crackle in it :(
i painted a tree on maxi after i painted on her dress. it was cool trust me
and yeah maxi did this thing. it was freakin sick!
i tried to take a picture of her and snapped this little thingy. i like it
during my photo shoots this little guy came along too. coolness
i like artsy nights. i think i might have another one soon :)